New local newsgroup for Orpheus subscribers
(too old to reply)
Paul Vigay
2008-03-25 14:01:56 UTC
Apologies for cross-posting, but I want to let as many newsgroup
subscribers as possible know.

I've just created a new newsgroup for discussing generic support issues
(ie. anything not really platform specific, such as dodgy connections, spam
and other stuff).

It's "orpheus.support" (nice and easy to remember) and should be available
by the time you read this.

Usenet replies: To contact me, visit www.vigay.com/feedback/

Life, the Universe, RISC OS Help and Everything - http://www.vigay.com/
Share and discuss ideas or chat about the above - http://forum.vigay.com/
Quality Internet, Domain Registration & Hosting - www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
2008-03-25 20:06:13 UTC
Post by Paul Vigay
Apologies for cross-posting, but I want to let as many newsgroup
subscribers as possible know.
I've just created a new newsgroup for discussing generic support issues
(ie. anything not really platform specific, such as dodgy connections,
spam and other stuff).
It's "orpheus.support" (nice and easy to remember) and should be
available by the time you read this.
I'll subscribe as soon as my line changes. :b
//\ // Chika <miyuki><at><crashnet><org><uk>
// \// Mitsuo... Menda... naha naha...

... "I'll be back ;-)"
2008-04-14 17:30:28 UTC
Post by Chika
Post by Paul Vigay
Apologies for cross-posting, but I want to let as many newsgroup
subscribers as possible know.
I've just created a new newsgroup for discussing generic support issues
(ie. anything not really platform specific, such as dodgy connections,
spam and other stuff).
It's "orpheus.support" (nice and easy to remember) and should be
available by the time you read this.
I'll subscribe as soon as my line changes. :b
And, finally, I'm here! (Yes, this is in the nature of being a test)
//\ // Chika <miyuki><at><crashnet><org><uk>
// \// Mitsuo... Menda... naha naha...

... Violence is a lousy substitute for drugs and sex
Bill (Adopt)
2008-04-14 23:37:01 UTC
Post by Chika
Post by Chika
Post by Paul Vigay
Apologies for cross-posting, but I want to let as many newsgroup
subscribers as possible know.
I've just created a new newsgroup for discussing generic support issues
(ie. anything not really platform specific, such as dodgy connections,
spam and other stuff).
It's "orpheus.support" (nice and easy to remember) and should be
available by the time you read this.
I'll subscribe as soon as my line changes. :b
And, finally, I'm here! (Yes, this is in the nature of being a test)
..but where, you will ask yourself, is 'here'..?

Did you know, btw, that even the old monitored children's
group, argonet.cfc, is now in circulation again, not that
anyone used it in the first place, so busy the youngsters
were being encouraged to use the that old .mil group haunted
as it was by unknown characters...

..oh ..and welcome to 'here' anyway, Chika.. ;'))
Adoption InterLink UK with -=- http://www.billsimpson.com/
Domain Host Orpheus Internet -=- http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
2008-04-15 17:11:44 UTC
Post by Bill (Adopt)
Post by Chika
Post by Chika
Post by Paul Vigay
Apologies for cross-posting, but I want to let as many newsgroup
subscribers as possible know.
I've just created a new newsgroup for discussing generic support
issues (ie. anything not really platform specific, such as dodgy
connections, spam and other stuff).
It's "orpheus.support" (nice and easy to remember) and should be
available by the time you read this.
I'll subscribe as soon as my line changes. :b
And, finally, I'm here! (Yes, this is in the nature of being a test)
..but where, you will ask yourself, is 'here'..?
Wherever I happen to be at the time! Actually, in this case, it just
happened to indicate that all my settings were sorted and I was now
connected via Orpheus rather than Pipex. OK, it took two months, thanks to
Piscali (or maybe Tipex) incompetance, but it's done with now.
Post by Bill (Adopt)
Did you know, btw, that even the old monitored children's group,
argonet.cfc, is now in circulation again, not that anyone used it in
the first place, so busy the youngsters were being encouraged to use
the that old .mil group haunted as it was by unknown characters...
Post by Bill (Adopt)
..oh ..and welcome to 'here' anyway, Chika.. ;'))
Why, thank ee koindly, sor! ;)
//\ // Chika <miyuki><at><crashnet><org><uk>
// \// Mitsuo... Menda... naha naha...

... Smile, but sharpen your knives.
2008-04-15 18:18:17 UTC
Post by Chika
OK, it took two months, thanks to
Piscali (or maybe Tipex) incompetance, but it's done with now.
I understand from Paul that there was a problem with my MAC code too.

From what I saw on the Pipex support group that was quite common.
Stuart Winsor

For Barn dances and folk evenings in the Coventry and Warwickshire area
See: http://www.barndance.org.uk
2008-04-15 19:36:33 UTC
Post by Stuart
Post by Chika
OK, it took two months, thanks to
Piscali (or maybe Tipex) incompetance, but it's done with now.
I understand from Paul that there was a problem with my MAC code too.
From what I saw on the Pipex support group that was quite common.
Yup. I've submitted a formal complaint but if their complaint procedure is
anything like their migration procedure, they'll probably lose it!
//\ // Chika <miyuki><at><crashnet><org><uk>
// \// Mitsuo... Menda... naha naha...

... If you know how to organize things, you will know how to enjoy them.
2008-04-15 07:41:13 UTC
Post by Chika
Post by Chika
I'll subscribe as soon as my line changes. :b
And, finally, I'm here! (Yes, this is in the nature of being a test)
I presume you mean with Orpheus as this is in argonet.acorn.misc
Stuart Winsor

For Barn dances and folk evenings in the Coventry and Warwickshire area
See: http://www.barndance.org.uk
Bill (Adopt)
2008-04-15 13:47:20 UTC
Post by Stuart
Post by Chika
Post by Chika
I'll subscribe as soon as my line changes. :b
And, finally, I'm here! (Yes, this is in the nature of being a test)
I presume you mean with Orpheus as this is in argonet.acorn.misc
Chika is not, so far as I'm aware, an Orpheus subscriber.

He will probably be unable to get into the private
Orpheus group that's only available to and intended
for Paul's Orpheus customers.

However, regardless of his IP, he is able to get into
the argonet.*.* ngs which, as part of the Worldwide
Usenet Newsgroups, are promulgated by a still increasing
number of main news-servers around the world.

Whether or not it's worth subscribing to Orpheus just
to get one or two private groups, cf the cacaphony of
the 100,000's+ newsgroups of Usenet is probably moot!

Meanwhile ..as you know and do yourself ..many of us,
including Paul and Orpheus, also retain seats at this
table... ;'))

Just a thought.. :))
Adoption InterLink UK with -=- http://www.billsimpson.com/
Domain Host Orpheus Internet -=- http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
2008-04-15 17:12:54 UTC
Post by Bill (Adopt)
Post by Stuart
Post by Chika
Post by Chika
I'll subscribe as soon as my line changes. :b
And, finally, I'm here! (Yes, this is in the nature of being a test)
I presume you mean with Orpheus as this is in argonet.acorn.misc
Chika is not, so far as I'm aware, an Orpheus subscriber.
Oh yes, I am!!! Connection completed as of Monday evening! :b
//\ // Chika <miyuki><at><crashnet><org><uk>
// \// Mitsuo... Menda... naha naha...

... Oh, I couldn't afford a whole new brain.
Paul Vigay
2008-04-15 17:35:16 UTC
Post by Chika
Oh yes, I am!!! Connection completed as of Monday evening! :b
Excellent. Welcome aboard!

Got there eventually! :-)
Usenet replies: To contact me, visit www.vigay.com/feedback/

Life, the Universe, RISC OS Help and Everything - http://www.vigay.com/
Share and discuss ideas or chat about the above - http://forum.vigay.com/
Quality Internet, Domain Registration & Hosting - www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
2008-04-15 19:36:45 UTC
Post by Paul Vigay
Post by Chika
Oh yes, I am!!! Connection completed as of Monday evening! :b
Excellent. Welcome aboard!
Got there eventually! :-)
Just about! Ta, Paul!
//\ // Chika <miyuki><at><crashnet><org><uk>
// \// Mitsuo... Menda... naha naha...

... Captain, the UARTs won't take this Speed!
2008-04-15 18:18:50 UTC
Post by Chika
Post by Bill (Adopt)
Chika is not, so far as I'm aware, an Orpheus subscriber.
Oh yes, I am!!! Connection completed as of Monday evening! :b
Stuart Winsor

For Barn dances and folk evenings in the Coventry and Warwickshire area
See: http://www.barndance.org.uk
2008-04-15 16:54:58 UTC
Post by Bill (Adopt)
Chika is not, so far as I'm aware, an Orpheus subscriber.
I thought he /was/ coming across and assumed that his comment meant that
he now was, especially in view of the thread title.
Stuart Winsor

For Barn dances and folk evenings in the Coventry and Warwickshire area
See: http://www.barndance.org.uk
Bill (Adopt)
2008-04-15 23:45:13 UTC
Post by Stuart
Post by Bill (Adopt)
Chika is not, so far as I'm aware, an Orpheus subscriber.
I thought he /was/ coming across and assumed that his comment meant that
he now was, especially in view of the thread title.
That's cos I didn't get his reply to my welcome,
Stuart, (it's only just arrived now), so was
assuming he was still connected elsewhere..!

He must be getting quite rich.. ;))

I remember when he were nowt but a raggy-arsed
tiddler, floggin' jam jars in exchange for the
outdated meat pudding handouts at the market..

..ah ..were a real tuff time, in them days.. ;'))
Adoption InterLink UK with -=- http://www.billsimpson.com/
Domain Host Orpheus Internet -=- http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
2008-04-15 17:12:11 UTC
Post by Stuart
Post by Chika
Post by Chika
I'll subscribe as soon as my line changes. :b
And, finally, I'm here! (Yes, this is in the nature of being a test)
I presume you mean with Orpheus as this is in argonet.acorn.misc
You presume correctly.
//\ // Chika <miyuki><at><crashnet><org><uk>
// \// Mitsuo... Menda... naha naha...

... Make Headlines..use a corduroy pillow....