Sorry, your call cannot be connected...
(too old to reply)
Ben Crick
2007-09-16 14:56:33 UTC
Just about every evening, and on weekend afternoons, I get an
'electronic Annie' voice telling me:
"Sorry, your call cannot be connected at present. Please try again
later." [FX] Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [/FX]

Is this because Orpheus servers are all busy; or is it because
BT haven't got enough tie-lines between Thanet where I live,
and Portsmouth where Paul lives?

After five or six tries, I eventually get the electronic
handshaking response which tells me all is OK.

Is this now "par for the course", or will things improve in
a few days? It has only become a problem since about the
beginning of September.

_ __________________________________________
/ \._._ |_ _ _ /' Orpheus Internet Services
\_/| |_)| |(/_|_|_> / 'Internet for Everyone'
_______ | ___________./ http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk
Revd Ben Crick BA CF <***@NOSPAM.argonet.co.uk> ZFC W
232 Canterbury Road, Birchington on sea, Kent CT7 9TD (UK)
Acorn RPC700 Kinetic RO4.03 and Castle Iyonix X100 RO 5.06 Ethernet
* Having truth decay? Brush up on your Bible.
Paul Vigay
2007-09-16 16:50:16 UTC
Post by Ben Crick
Just about every evening, and on weekend afternoons, I get an
'electronic Annie' voice telling me: "Sorry, your call cannot be
connected at present. Please try again later." [FX] Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Is this because Orpheus servers are all busy; or is it because BT
haven't got enough tie-lines between Thanet where I live, and Portsmouth
where Paul lives?
It sounds like BT haven't got enough lines going out of their local
exchange, although nothing Orpheus related is in Portsmouth (other than
yours truly) as all our servers are up in London.

Someone else just reported the same problem, so I guess it might be
geographic. Whereabouts in the country are you?
Usenet replies: To contact me, visit www.vigay.com/feedback/

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2007-09-16 21:42:32 UTC
Post by Paul Vigay
Someone else just reported the same problem, so I guess it might be
geographic. Whereabouts in the country are you?
Post by Paul Vigay
between Thanet where I live.....
Stuart Winsor

From is valid but subject to change without notice if it gets spammed.

For Barn dances and folk evenings in the Coventry and Warwickshire area
See: http://www.barndance.org.uk
Ben Crick
2007-09-16 20:12:36 UTC
Post by Paul Vigay
Someone else just reported the same problem, so I guess it might be
geographic. Whereabouts in the country are you?
On the Isle of Thanet exchange 01843 (NE corner of Kent).

If Orpheus had all its incoming lines "engaged", then presumably
I'd get the normal "busy line" tone; not Electronic Annie telling
me to try later. I've not had a "busy line" tone from you yet.

_ __________________________________________
/ \._._ |_ _ _ /' Orpheus Internet Services
\_/| |_)| |(/_|_|_> / 'Internet for Everyone'
_______ | ___________./ http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk
Revd Ben Crick BA CF <***@NOSPAM.argonet.co.uk> ZFC W
232 Canterbury Road, Birchington on sea, Kent CT7 9TD (UK)
Acorn RPC700 Kinetic RO4.03 and Castle Iyonix X100 RO 5.06 Ethernet
* God prefers "fruit of the Spirit" over "religious nuts".
Paul Vigay
2007-09-16 23:35:56 UTC
If Orpheus had all its incoming lines "engaged", then presumably I'd get
the normal "busy line" tone; not Electronic Annie telling me to try
later. I've not had a "busy line" tone from you yet.
No. I think the BT voice signifies that all the lines are busy in the
exchange - but I can't think what would cause this across multiple
exchanges, unless BT have a major fault somewhere or are doing some
engineering works without telling anyone.

I did get a reply from an engineer earlier this evening, but he said he'd
check with some other engineers and he's not got back to me yet. I'll chase
it up again in the morning if things are not back to normal.

I did try from here about 10 minutes ago and got connected first time, so
either our exchange is ok, the fault has rectified itself or it's still
geographic. Unfortunately, I didn't try earlier, so I'm not sure if our
local exchange has had problems or not.

Usenet replies: To contact me, visit www.vigay.com/feedback/

Life, the Universe, RISC OS Help and Everything - www.vigay.com/
Share and discuss ideas or chat about the above - http://forum.vigay.com/
Quality Internet, Domain Registration & Hosting - www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
Richard Watkinson
2007-09-17 22:40:21 UTC
Post by Paul Vigay
If Orpheus had all its incoming lines "engaged", then presumably I'd get
the normal "busy line" tone; not Electronic Annie telling me to try
later. I've not had a "busy line" tone from you yet.
No. I think the BT voice signifies that all the lines are busy in the
exchange - but I can't think what would cause this across multiple
exchanges, unless BT have a major fault somewhere or are doing some
engineering works without telling anyone.
I did get a reply from an engineer earlier this evening, but he said he'd
check with some other engineers and he's not got back to me yet. I'll chase
it up again in the morning if things are not back to normal.
I did try from here about 10 minutes ago and got connected first time, so
either our exchange is ok, the fault has rectified itself or it's still
geographic. Unfortunately, I didn't try earlier, so I'm not sure if our
local exchange has had problems or not.
It has been happening here in Sheffield on a daily basis over the last
5 days or so with annoying regularity. Also email dipped out for a
few hours sometime on Sat/Sun but is back now. Can't be sure exactly
when it barfed.

The email failure just came up as a red triangle with an exclamation
mark in Hermes - sort of road sign.
Richard Watkinson

Treasurer Sheffield Folk Festival


Turn left where the chip shop used to be.
John Nolan
2007-09-23 17:15:55 UTC
Post by Ben Crick
Just about every evening, and on weekend afternoons, I get an
"Sorry, your call cannot be connected at present. Please try again
Aha ! So that's what it probably was !

Some time ago, within the past 2 or 3 weeks, my rather old Mercury modem (no
Loud speaker, I think,) was making what sounded like faint human voice
noises. This coincided with no internet connection.

Having read some other news threads about Orpheus overload, I assumed that
that was what was happening.

I live West of th Severn between Gloucester and Chepstow.

John N.
From Glorious Gloucestershire, near Lydney, using :------------
_ _________________________________________
/ \._._ |_ _ _ /' Orpheus Internet Services
\_/| |_)| |(/_|_|_> / 'Internet for Everyone'
_______ | ___________./ http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk
Bill (Adopt)
2007-09-24 10:39:06 UTC
Post by John Nolan
Post by Ben Crick
Just about every evening, and on weekend afternoons, I get an
"Sorry, your call cannot be connected at present. Please try again
Aha ! So that's what it probably was !
Some time ago, within the past 2 or 3 weeks, my rather old Mercury modem (no
Loud speaker, I think,) was making what sounded like faint human voice
noises. This coincided with no internet connection.
Having read some other news threads about Orpheus overload, I assumed that
that was what was happening.
I live West of th Severn between Gloucester and Chepstow.
Na.. yer both is wrong!

It's not 'Electronic Annie' at all. It's Paul,
in disguise, checkin' that the Mattel Toy SpyKit
MkII that he got for Christmas is still working...


/Always/ smile at your modem. Similarly to a
DAB radio it sends radionic piccies back to Paul
so that he can check your noodle space for any
Spooks which might be hiding in the cupboards.

(A free service, brought to you by Orpheus,
directly from The Underworld).. ;'))

Bill ZFC
Adoption InterLink UK with -=- http://www.billsimpson.com/
Domain Host Orpheus Internet -=- http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
2007-09-24 11:38:32 UTC
In article <***@billsimpson.com>,
Bill (Adopt) <***@billsimpson.com> wrote:
/Always/ smile at your modem. Similarly to a DAB radio it sends
radionic piccies back to Paul so that he can check your noodle space for
any Spooks which might be hiding in the cupboards.
I wish I could have some of whatever you're drinking.... ;-) :-)
Usenet replies: To contact me, visit www.vigay.com/feedback/

Life, the Universe, RISC OS Help and Everything - www.vigay.com/
Share and discuss ideas or chat about the above - http://forum.vigay.com/
Quality Internet, Domain Registration & Hosting - www.orpheusinternet.co.uk/
John Nolan
2007-09-24 16:37:14 UTC
Post by Paul
/Always/ smile at your modem. Similarly to a DAB radio it sends
radionic piccies back to Paul so that he can check your noodle space for
any Spooks which might be hiding in the cupboards.
I wish I could have some of whatever you're drinking.... ;-) :-)
I'm like a Glossy bumble bee with local cyder inside of me ?
And when I go to Super Mare I'm down beside the zee u c !! ;-))
From Glorious Gloucestershire, near Lydney, using :------------
_ _________________________________________
/ \._._ |_ _ _ /' Orpheus Internet Services
\_/| |_)| |(/_|_|_> / 'Internet for Everyone'
_______ | ___________./ http://www.orpheusinternet.co.uk